1. Design Systems

Design systems have been a hot topic lately. I recently completed some online courses and videos to freshen up on them. Doing so made me realize that my graphic design education still holds up well in terms of design systems thinking and systems-based methodology. The design systems idea isn't new, it's just been updated for new technologies and processes. Design systems have always been a key component of branding, but interactivity and motion have taken the idea to a new level of complexity. Design systems in the modern context also are intimately related to responsive design. Just as graphic design systems need to accommodate various print formats, digital design systems need to accommodate the various screen sizes and experiences of digital devices.

Design systems are important for facilitating team communication and the production process. Working alone, I've overlooked that need. It's clear now that I should clean up and formalize the ad hoc systems I designed for some past projects.

I'll use Figma, and update the work here in phases. I'll generally Follow Ethan Marcotte's process from his design system video series on Aquent's Gymnasium, an online library of design courses:

  1. Identify design tokens and patterns
  2. Group and name them
  3. Create a pattern library
  4. Add design principles/guidance for when/how to adapt/apply patterns across a variety of contexts
Some steps of the process may not apply to each of the projects I selected. I'll adjust as I go along and report the details of each project separately.


These projects are intended to demonstrate deep understanding of design systems and proficiency creating and maintaining design systems in Figma. They also will improve and accelerate my design and production process.

G Letz Design: Footer copyright